The contents were incinerated instantly.
Dying a slow death in the cold without power or getting incinerated instantly - what a choice.
If any sorcerer attempts to handle Fae made by an earthquake or eruption, his or her mind is instantly and painfully incinerated.
They would be incinerated instantly.
Either way, he suspected that his ordinary human body would be incinerated instantly by the volcanic temperature within the cloud.
When the insect zeroes in on the light and passes between the two screens, it completes the electrical circuit and is instantly incinerated.
The Navy helicopter was incinerated instantly.
People near the rocket were instantly incinerated; those farther away were burned to death or poisoned by the toxic fuel component vapors.
The charging Murgos and Grolims were instantly incinerated by that awful light.
The stickies at the ends of the hall were far enough away so they weren't instantly incinerated.