The woman, a strikingly handsome lady with a silver lock at her brow, had the uncanny gift of instantly perceiving the weaknesses and strengths of any given situation.
I instantly perceived the whole was a mere scheme for getting a little money.
Instantly perceiving what it was, he called for my sister and me, and after he had shown us the creature, he gave me a box on the ear.
Vere, instantly perceiving what the problem is, goes up to Billy, puts his hand on his shoulder and says in a kind, fatherly voice, "There is no hurry, my boy.
It was not a very convincing story - anyone who looks at Adams's portrait will instantly perceive that this was no good-time Charlie.
Vaden did have Talent, whether it had blossomed through contact with Amalda or not was immaterial, for he instantly perceived what was on Daffyd's mind and stiffened.
I perceived instantly that it would be worse than useless to deny our identity, rather I must explain our presence--if I could.
If their behavior remains consistent, they will instantly perceive us as a threat and attack.
On the other hand, this realization might be expected to build up gradually in the minds of the male monkeys, making it hard to explain why they instantly perceive that the image is not a stranger.
His cleverness lay in perceiving instantly how helpful inflation would be in cosmology, and in being quick enough on his feet to persuade other physicists he had a winner.