The Supreme Bishop reached behind him and a portable microphone was instantly placed in his hand.
These mating plugs are placed within the female cloaca instantly after copulation, which was hypothesized to function as a "chastity belt."
The link was posted online, and many people who had orders and those who hadn't even placed orders to begin with were instantly placed and shipped, resulting in many long standing preorders to be cancelled.
The small man and the big man instantly placed themselves back to back and with lightning-like strokes stood off the first onset, seeking to jab as many faces and arms as they could rather than make the blows deep and mortal.
Chris McGovern, chairman of the Campaign for Real Education, and a registered Ofsted inspector, said the practice was "deplorable" and insisted cheating schools should be instantly placed on a blacklist of failing institutions.
If you accept the service I tender, Miss Haredale, she shall be instantly placed in safe conduct, and that promise redeemed.
He could not reach for anything but it was instantly placed before him.
The other six were injured, one critically; she was instantly placed in the medical unit, while Globan, Brad Karpla, and the Chief Engineer tried to make the others as comfortable as possible.
The wearer is instantly placed in the very center of the universe.
That seeing it, the chemist might have instantly placed himself on guard.