It was not relayed instantly to the police out front.
She got it and instantly relayed it to the backup leader.
"So you have to be relaying instantly between here and Thurien."
The code word was "defense"; relayed instantly to Blake, the reaction would surely be swift.
From the head of the column came the shouted order for the cohort to halt and each centurion instantly relayed it to his command.
Portable radios allowed field commanders to communicate with their HQs, allowing new orders to be relayed instantly.
As an earthquake began, a network of advanced seismometers would instantly relay information, via satellite, to nearby cities and towns.
Our outposts would instantly relay the word of any impending invasion well in advance, and we would choke off their approach even before they broached the rebellious oceans.
The findings of computers and sorcerers were relayed instantly to Roas Rui, himself now in semi-trance.
The sensors would be linked to an onboard computer, with data relayed instantly to ground controllers.