But ribbons are not only ideal for wrapping presents - household furnishings can be instantly revived with rich braids.
When I woke the following morning, the first rays of sunlight were already shining through the lace curtains, and the glorious memory of the night before was instantly revived.
My spirits instantly revived.
At this my courage instantly revived, and I called and signed to him to draw near, and he, on his part, dropped immediately to the sands, and began slowly to approach, with many stops and hesitations.
At this point he was instantly revived by the appearance of a waitress bearing coffee, sandwiches, and a pint of beer.
When fairies create this spring shower of blossoms, all the gardens in the Sims' world are instantly revived and cared for.
But when Tyrone Willingham signed on as coach last winter, the program was instantly revived.
His career was revived instantly.
The same thought crossed my mind another day at lunch when I was served a gazpacho so flat that any home cook would have instantly revived it with vinegar.
Finnbarr was instantly revived as he sniffed the delicious aromas wafting from the galley.