At her appearance, the dog instantly silenced, waiting to see what the woman's attitude would be.
This is the sacred cow of what passes for economic debate in our society, and its utterance instantly silences all policy critics of every stripe.
But if you once admit a thought of Self to enter your brain, those aerial sounds will be silenced instantly.
A ripple of laughter went through the staff, but it was silenced instantly with a look from him.
A man coughed, a light flicked on and went out, metal made a ringing sound instantly silenced, and the quiet remained.
His scream of fear was silenced instantly.
Such a reminder-" The man at the table held up a hand which instantly silenced the other.
The sound of the electronically amplified voice instantly silenced the entire crowd.
Someone in the group let out a snide bark of a laugh which Vandermeer instantly silenced.
Tai placed the screaming toddler on Zaranth's neck, an action that instantly silenced it.