But I had to give my knife to Temuchin, who instantly spotted the advanced level of technology.
Sooner or later, somebody would make a mistake, which at least one of the Leaguers would spot instantly.
But there was a strain around her eyes and mouth even Declan spotted instantly.
His class was always in good order, for he instantly spotted and disciplined anyone who misbehaved.
She gave a furtive little motion with her head and I looked out over the crowd, instantly spotting the problem she was talking about.
When my critical first patient arrived early the next week, he instantly spotted it.
He had a keen brain and he spotted instantly that as addresses went this one was on the vague side.
Every figure was nude, he spotted instantly, and anatomically correct.
His eyes surveyed the scene and instantly spotted the stricken body of his sister.
Did he instantly spot it on the desk when he entered her bedroom?