She gave a gasp of pain and came to an involuntary halt, to be instantly swept aside by those behind her.
As the two rivers merged, our raft was instantly swept away by the frothy brownish water.
He is instantly swept away by her, as she is with him; and he is inspired to defend his rights, knowing that he needs an estate to support a wife.
Would we be instantly swept away by the roaring torrent and never be seen again?
He had two alternatives, both lethal he would remain spinning in the suckhole and drown, or he would float above the level of the rampart and be swept instantly over the edge of the cataract.
We are swept into the show instantly in an early scene in which a roomful of fidgeting schoolboys erupts in irritation at their stern Latin teacher.
He saw a rock and grasped it, dropping his bow and his quiver of arrows which were instantly swept away.
She looked into the blank and shiny visor, and her heart stuttered, and her breath was pinched off, and she was instantly swept away by a massive wave of terror, gone.
Then he bowed to Margot, took her in his arms, and they were instantly swept into the rush of dancers.
Dani soon landed a date with Scott and was "instantly swept away by his charms."