The winner is the person who has the most points at the end of seven rounds (1-7); or you can score a Shanghai and win instantly.
If the player selects the celebrity who has the cheque, they will instantly win the $100,000.
Recently, Camelot have introduced a £10 scratchcard with the chance to instantly win £4,000,000.
Again, he proved himself adept at this level, as the team instantly won promotion and played the 2007-08 season in the 2.
The Mets aligned their personnel in 1992 to win instantly.
Each match lasts up to one minute; the first fencer to score a hit wins instantly.
It was from this movie she started doing glamour roles which instantly won her numerous fans.
His performance instantly won a new job for him.
She got lots of laughs that July evening and instantly won national recognition.
The record instantly won critical acclaim and sold over 50,000 units independently.