Instead of a dead body, he retrieved a golden lotus.
Unlike heavy trucks and lorries, most passenger cars manufactured since 1987 employ unibody construction instead of a separate body and frame.
Instead of a single decision-making body it has become an association of constituent societies, called "sections" and "interest groups."
It's something about my body recognizing the baby as part of me, instead of a foreign body.
Upon the floor, instead of a human body, lay the crumpled figure of an actual skeleton!
Instead of a body thudding the floor, something was clanging there.
But at this scene, the evidence was leaves instead of blood, and a stump instead of a body.
This spirit has a female head and bloody entrails instead of a body.
"I'm all here, even if I am wearing a ship instead of a body."
Instead of a distinctly formed body, this was a series of rivulets coming together at the pass.