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Simply, he had had an instinctive feeling that it would be best to give no warning of his coming.
They had an instinctive feeling the guy didn't understand what was going on.
At best, they have an instinctive feeling for what will please people and make them like the product.
At the same instant, Harry had an instinctive feeling that eyes were watching him.
Americans seem to have an instinctive feeling for, if not necessarily much knowledge about, the central forming event of the national experience.
I now realize my instinctive feeling on that was right.
Added to that is her instinctive feeling for people - what to do and say that will please them most.
His instinctive feeling of danger had not been wrong!
There are some people born with the instinctive feeling that the universe is solvable.
Most men have an instinctive feeling that a woman will blame them for bad news they hear.