An interest in her awoke, he began instinctively to explore her body.
When a mouse is placed in the pool, it instinctively begins swimming around to find a resting place.
But now his right hand immediately and instinctively began to pluck out a haunting melody.
"Well, I don't know-" she began almost instinctively, then stopped herself.
As the music called to her, Eydryth took out her hand-harp and instinctively began plucking the strings.
Leo instinctively begins to speak when he sees them, setting off the spider-trap set by Earle.
She instinctively began to clutch it with her left hand, but his caught hers and held it still.
Nothing, he began instinctively, then scratched the word out.
Watson instinctively begins to rush out and stop the shooting, but Holmes restrains him.
Anne was still in the lane; and though instinctively beginning to decline, she was not allowed to proceed.