She jerked back instinctively, feeling her heart miss a beat.
Although she instinctively jerked away from him, she showed no immediate sign of having noticed his subtle invasion of her body.
Seeing a blur, he instinctively jerked to one side just as a flash came toward him, a knife thrown with deadly accuracy.
The piece of wood vanished, and all three people instinctively jerked their faces towards the sky.
Sidney instinctively jerked back as Kenneth Scales stepped into the room.
Kathy instinctively jerked away, but not before taking a shallow breath.
Polly caught her breath, instinctively jerking backwards away from him.
As it changed from green to amber the current intensified sharply and before he could stop himself Graham instinctively jerked his hand off the pad.
Phineas instinctively jerked the paper from the kender's prying eyes, then looked up.
The torn shoulder of the cloth barely touched his face but his head jerked back instinctively.