When all else failed, Stalin and the Communists fell back on accusing the supporters of anything they instinctively opposed as being Fascist.
An inquiry for further particulars had reached the Freemans to whom the whole idea came as a novelty, and one which they instinctively opposed.
They have recently been joined by a few environmentalists - during the fight over the Hudson River tolls, Environmental Defense supported value pricing as a way to reduce pollution from idling cars - but most people and politicians instinctively oppose new tolls.
"It instinctively opposes unnatural barriers."
QUESTION FROM RACHEL: Your article shows Romney instinctively supporting the mandate and Obama instinctively opposing it!
What they instinctively opposed was the crystallization of differences, the monopolization of opportunity and the fixing of that monopoly by government or by social customs.
He notes, for example, how the ingrained rule of thumb, natural equals good, unnatural equals bad, makes people instinctively oppose laboratory forms of genetic manipulation.
The instant Ellen met his gaze she sensed a power in him that she instinctively opposed.
Furthermore, Hillary Clinton cannot rely on upstate voters to instinctively oppose a politician from New York City.
They cite his anti-terrorist positions as enhancing the kind of government power that they instinctively oppose.