Long ago Karr figured out that the less he fought its instinctual behavior, the better things turned out.
In some, like Tlalok and the female, it triggered deep-seated instinctual behavior.
People can use the same instinctual or learned behavior to different adaptive purposes, biological or social.
Our modern understanding of instinctual behavior in animals owes much to their work.
Rather, their brains were fully dedicated to instinctual behaviors.
Her mind was a biological input-output machine that processed instinctual behavior.
This instinctual behaviour is a defense mechanism, as lone individuals are more likely to be eaten than large groups.
This implies that instinctual behavior is always purposeful and natural.
Because the person is primarily thinking in instinctual (learned) behaviors, creative processes are hindered.
At first, instinctual behaviors, such as crying when uncomfortable, are your baby's ways to signal his or her needs.