"Many of the micro-breweries started in the early 1980's were run by romantics who just wanted to make good beer," said Charles Papazian, institute director.
It is the first time an institute director has risen to lead the entire NIH and subsequently picked his own successor.
Intramural research has not been subject to outside competition or peer review, as extramural research is, but was simply approved by institute directors.
"The rank-and-file scientists suggest that perestroika in the Academy should give control to lab leaders, to make them independent of institute directors," I said.
He next served as an institute director in Seattle, Washington.
The institute director, Mr. Kammer, defended the administration's former policies of restriction.
The institute director at Sverdlovsk had promised that no reporters would have access to his daughter.
A representative of academic policies, elected by secret ballot by the deans, graduate institute directors and department heads, among them.
He was a seminary teacher, institute director, and CES coordinator at various levels.
But institute directors say they have fought to keep their top talent intact, dismissing junior scientists and technical workers instead.