It is designed to assist in discussions between potential investors and institute members who share a common sector, industry or network.
Tickets are $65 for institute members, $70 for nonmembers: or (718)229-6565.
For a long time the offices of the institute members did not have telephones (they arrived just before I did).
Tickets for the seminar, $10; $5 for institute members; students free.
One change would standardize the requirements for institute members to receive continuing education.
Tickets for institute members and subscribers to news@gcp are $70; for others, $75; (718) 229-6565.
Yet the reader may feel as uncomfortable, at times, as institute members did with Stern's official history.
The evening begins at 6:30 and costs $75 a person for institute members and $95 for nonmembers.
Tickets: $25; $15 for students and institute members (Oestreich).
A preview of her report, scheduled for release to institute members this summer, shows what's behind the industry's pessimism.