Six flowerbeds contain archaic breeds of cereal grains, including barley and wheat, from seeds provided by institutes specializing in the conservation of plant genetic heritage.
The School also collaborates with many external centers and institutes specializing in health care research and practice and with other schools within and beyond UNC.
Institut Sains Terapan dan Teknologi Surabaya, a institute specializing in computer programming.
In addition, the Gendarmerie has an institute (Institut de recherche criminelle de la gendarmerie nationale) specializing in the investigation of crimes by scientific and technological means.
His wife worked as an engineer for a research group at the institute specializing in plastics.
It is one of the few graduate institutes specializing in economics, sociology, social work and social services and development in the country.
It offers education in disciplines such as MBA, BBA and B.Com and is a private institute specializing in Management Education.
The Defense Department report said that, initially, Soviet research was conducted at "institutes specializing in submarine hull and propeller design hydrodynamics," but that the institutes produced only prototype models, not real propellers.
Dr. Voeller, president of the Mariposa Research Foundation, a nonprofit institute specializing in the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases, added: "You're still playing a kind of Russian roulette.
The Rev. Matthew Fox of Oakland runs an institute specializing in unorthodox Roman Catholic teaching.