It is, to be sure, an institution devoted to the learning of lessons.
"What we saw was that institutions would be devoting a larger portion of their assets to real estate," said Burton Glazov, a JMB executive vice president.
While existing institutions devoted to community lending generally welcome Mr. Clinton's proposal, they say it is imperative that new legislation not exclude them.
Finally, in 1881, she established a lasting institution, the Friday Morning Club, devoted to cultural and social betterment and civic reform.
But in 1971, criticized for neglect of its Judaica collection and facing a large deficit, the museum's board decided the institution should devote itself to "a commitment to the Jewish community."
The nation's only public institution devoted to cinema, it holds about 40,000 films, and numerous other materials, in its collection.
An institution devoted to the humanization, re-education of mankind and the development of international law.
The accompanying 'Syllabus of errors' had deemed erroneous the belief that public institutions devoted to reaching literature and science should be exempt from the Church's authority.
Originally an institution devoted to the education of young men, Princeton became coeducational in 1969.