The Centre national de la danse (CND, or National Dance Center) is an institution sponsored by the French Ministry of Culture.
Regional cancer centre Trivandrum is an autonomous institution sponsored by the Govt of India and the government of kerala.
A Presidential Decree was issued, stating that the Center be an independent institution sponsored and financed by the Egyptian Government.
Between 1869 and 1875 the community was the location of Algona College, an institution sponsored by the Methodist Church.
In 1978, he co-founded the Center of Theological Inquiry, an independent institution sponsored by the Princeton Theological Seminary.
The college is an institution sponsored by the Union Territory of Puducherry.
Another statue of Polyakov by Antokolski is on display in the Museum of Arts in Saratov, one of the many institutions sponsored by Polyakov.
Presentation College is an independent Catholic educational institution, sponsored by the Sisters of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary (PBVM).
Frontier Medical College and its teaching hospital are self-financing institutions sponsored by Al-Jamil Trust.
Foundation Institute is a nine month educational institution sponsored by the Church of God, a Worldwide Association.