If they fail the test, the institution can still admit the student but stands to lose its Federal aid.
Throughout history the institution of monarchy has often stood as a testament to the common bond between the people and their Sovereign.
Even if that were not true, programs and institutions for women stand on different footing from those for men.
Do all these institutions stand accused of forgetting or betraying the dead?
Those institutions stand to collect, by some estimates, as much as $750 million, or about three-quarters of the money.
As such, it represents a view of history that the institution stands behind.
"To say that if this institution can't stand on its own feet it must go is ridiculous."
All competitive financial institutions operating in the community stand to gain from the liberalization, as do, of course, the customers for their products.
The Daughters are in good corporate company in their effort to teach employees what the institution stands for.