With the launch of WINS, we hope to provide an institutional means for doing that important work.
The great achievement of Cerezo in history is that the right will vanish by institutional means.
The total cost of congressional elections in 1980 was $210.6 million and the overwhelming proportion of that amount was raised through personal rather than institutional means.
They have called for Mr. Chávez's removal from office through institutional means, such as new presidential elections or activating a provision in the Venezuelan Constitution for a referendum.
There is no effective institutional means of combating it.
Byzantium came to grief, and European Christianity remained divided, because East and West could not agree on an institutional means to resolve their comparatively trivial points of difference.
"It is increasingly clear that the earth could be destabilized fairly rapidly in ways we do not yet have the legal or institutional means to address," he said.
Nobody will now be able to use the excuse that the institutional means of action are lacking.
Thus, one of social work's central purposes is to develop institutional means of representing the interests of underprivileged sections of society through positive discrimination.
The main institutional means of establishing a consensus of the ulama on these dogmatic issues were the madrasas, formal Islamic schools that granted licensure to teach.