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Take, for example, Mr. Deng's efforts to restore a basic level of institutional norms and rules within the Communist Party.
Early in President David Whitlock's administration, several notable violations of academic freedom and institutional norms occurred.
Many latter women Members chose instead to challenge institutional norms or to embrace their role as surrogate advocates for all women.
If biological tests are used to conform people to rigid institutional norms," they write, "we risk reducing social tolerance for the variation in human experience.
The programme examines how struggles over the meanings and performance of ceremony and ritual in parliament secure and reproduce as well as challenge and transform institutional norms.
The impact of St. Augustine's work-and worldview-on the institutional norms of the church is highlighted by a number of authors.
"The allegations raise serious questions of law, regulation, ethics, institutional norms and health concerning the candidates," the report said.
Sustainable services are interdependently located within the flow social and institutional norms, state-of-the art technology and the amount of knowledge humankind owns at a certain point in time.
Due to the lack of public procedures and institutional norms, in Dagestan, a republic burdened with conflict on many levels, people resort to violence as a means of solving volatile issues.
How many of these hires, he asked, have "turned out to be much better than the institutional norm who wouldn't have been found without a greater search?"