A number of individuals from this class, however, benefited from institutionalized corruption.
White immediately pledged to restore integrity and eliminate all forms of institutionalized corruption and wrongdoing.
After all, officials in this country in the heart of South America have long thrived on the institutionalized corruption surrounding smuggling.
All Zimbabweans, with the exception of those in the ruling clique, are suffering horrendous deprivation resulting from Mr. Mugabe's failed economic policies and institutionalized corruption.
As in earlier novels like "Bitter Medicine" and "Burn Marks," the gray villains of institutionalized corruption loom large.
In Milan, investigations into a kickback scandal involving payoffs to politicians in return for public works contracts blossomed into a far wider inquiry into institutionalized corruption in many parts of the country.
They have made it clear that they are dead set on staying put in Haiti and reaping the substantial profits of institutionalized corruption.
Even her political opponents acknowledge the end of institutionalized corruption in São Paulo after the beginning of Ms. Suplicy's nomination of an independent ombudsman.
The police, the judiciary and the government administration remain deeply mired in habits of institutionalized corruption.
Mr. Rigau said the indictment was particularly alarming because although corruption and patronage were not new, the charges suggest something new, a possibility of institutionalized corruption by a governing party.