Consequently, their entire civilization is dependent upon institutionalized violence, which makes them extremely warlike.
There was little evidence of institutionalized violence or professional soldiers during the Uruk period, and towns were generally unwalled.
The goal of the bishops was to liberate the people from the "institutionalized violence" of poverty.
Lay members of the church moved with their religious leaders to condemn the institutionalized violence"of the oligarchy and now offer both political and practical support to the opposition.
He encouraged indigenous communities to take charge of their own lives, and openly voiced that the poor of Chiapas were victims of structural oppression and institutionalized violence.
However, his pictures demonstrate his deep sensitivity to social outsiders and his hatred of institutionalized violence.
There is some institutionalized violence in Latin America, much of it having to do with institutions named United Fruit, Citibank and Woodrow Wilson.
There is an institutionalized violence that has killed the people's finest sons and condemned children to die of hunger.
Congress leaders argue that they were driven to violence after nearly half a century of passive resistance to what they call the institutionalized violence of apartheid.
But Donnie's madness also can be viewed as a hypersensitivity to the institutionalized violence that putatively sane people take for granted.