He also instructed new members of the Massachusetts Legislature in legislative procedure.
The outcome of most votes is largely known beforehand, since political parties normally instruct members on how to vote.
Rowland's resolution went further, instructing members to induce the Federal government to use the preferred term.
RC instructs members to "to quickly interrupt both attacks and gossip."
Church leadership instructed members of the congregation to shun the two former elders as unrepentant.
They instructed members to buy up all existing copies.
The Politburo, meeting today, instructed party officials and members around the country to begin immediately to honor the spirit of the decisions made at the conference.
He instructed members of the guard force to stop referring to the detainees as "packages."
Stevenson instructed members to never reveal that they were Minute Women and always present themselves as individual concerned citizens.
Instruct servants and members of the household about their security responsibilities.