The police videotape, Lieutenant McKenna said, is used to instruct officers.
Wrexham Maelor councillors, concerned at the lack of progress, have instructed officers to search for alternative sites.
The new office, officials said, will work through individual police department training programs to stress the seriousness of bias crimes and instruct officers how to investigate them.
Three years later, he updated the program with wallet-sized cards instructing officers to address people as "sir" or "ma'am."
He then spent a year at a Jesuit college as a lay brother, instructing officers in geography and field engineering.
A 2004 investigation into racial profiling did not support allegations that a police lieutenant had instructed officers to target people for arrest based on race.
At 07:30 on 14 December, he instructed officers to attend 97 Langworthy Road and arrest everyone that they found there.
A document on raising morale instructed officers to incite their troops to fight a Muslim holy war, or jihad.
Soon thereafter, he instructed officers arriving from outside commands to meet him at the fire safety desk in the North Tower lobby.
As part of its mandate, Intercon Security instructs officers in self-defense tactics and techniques.