They might perhaps instruct her daughter, and shield her from the misery, the tyranny, her mother knew not how to avoid.
What is the effect of a testator instructing his daughter to make no will?
Heydrich even instructed Canaris's daughter in the violin.
I have instructed my daughter to do whatever she can to make your stay more pleasant.
Again, the camera shows her instructing her daughter, "It's always been that slaves are beaten from a young age."
It has also been reported that Taihō has instructed his daughter to divorce Ōtake.
Meanwhile, Angela Paget went to bed, instructing her younger daughter to do likewise.
Jeanne instructs her daughter to "use her strategies."
"All right, Pol," he instructed his daughter, "make me hideous."
She instructs her daughter to "live white", as pure as tofu.