Rose instructed his lawyers to settle Everly's case out of court, reportedly agreeing to a settlement of more than $1,000,000.
In some cases, the copyright owners of the books, movies, or television series have instructed their lawyers to issue "cease and desist" letters to fans.
"I will instruct my lawyers to mount a vigorous defense using all available appropriate arguments," he said.
On principle, Gray instructed his lawyers to take the matter to court - and then he began trying to ascertain what his chances were of winning.
"I have instructed my lawyers to review the situation including the possibility of issuing legal proceedings," Bourdais said.
I'd instructed my lawyers to provide for Anne so that William could never touch the capital.
Abedin instructed her lawyers to annul the marriage on her behalf.
Lipstadt instructed her lawyers to reject the offer.
The six accused persons immediately instructed their lawyers to appeal the conviction and sentence.
Well before the tragedy, Mr. Fayed's father had instructed his lawyers to seek legal protection from the press.