The decision clarified a State Supreme Court decision in October in which the court instructed prosecutors that they did not have to prove a defendant mentally fit in order to impose a death sentence.
Even though he uses that story when instructing new prosecutors, Mr. Cronan said many of these judgment skills come with experience, not necessarily more training.
Having milked the trial for pathos, the media applauded the judge for instructing prosecutors not to manipulate the jury's emotions.
The court handed down more than two dozen more reversals before upholding a death sentence, and it used the opportunity of the review process to instruct judges and prosecutors in how to conduct capital punishment trials.
Humetewa is considered a national expert on Native American legal issues and has instructed law enforcement and prosecutors.
And three months ago, the antitrust division in Washington instructed federal prosecutors in New York to close the inquiry.
Nevertheless, the next month, Mr. Ashcroft instructed prosecutors in Binghamton to seek the death penalty against Mr. McMillian and his co-defendants, Lavin Matthews and Tebiah Tucker.
Those standards instructed federal prosecutors to reward companies or employees who turned over confidential legal communications, and to issue black marks against those who refused.
At his urging, the state has instructed local prosecutors to investigate homosexuals for pedophilia.
Indeed, after Blakely was decided, the Department of Justice instructed prosecutors to include drug quantity allegations in the indictment.