The instructor informed a social worker at West Orange, Gregory Clark, who notified Ms. Portuese on March 7.
Given this paradigm, it was no surprise when Sam's driving instructor informed the class that a boy had just failed his D.M.V. road test by reaching for his ringing cell - during the exam.
By using the x-board, students and instructors can quickly inform themselves about the student's course progress, and therefore, students can have a sense of their advancement though challenging courses.
Over time this responsibility disintegrated into a 'spying' role where instructors 'informed' against fellow school teachers resulting in arrests & expulsions.
Aplia keeps instructors loosely informed about student participation, progress, and real-time graphical reports.
"The real problem for Japan has, I think, just begun," Liu said much as an instructor will inform a pupil.
"If I were to return to classes . . . well, a dozen of my 'friends' and instructors would inform on me . . . but this wing of the building is empty at night."
An instructor there informs Kyoko that Kinako is too weak to become a police dog, but Kyoko is determined that she will make Kinako into one.
Her instructor, however, informs her that her voice is pleasing, but not suitable for grand opera.