In Folcroft classes, an instructor had made him practice dropping a name or a test word at the end of a sentence.
The one with the green eye makeup snickered at almost everything the instructor said and made faces behind her back.
Sometimes our instructor would stand over us and make helpful suggestions.
And then the instructor made a violent pointing movement with his left hand, finger extended, as clear an order as the others had been: "Go!"
Past reporters praised the school: 'good instructors and both children made progress'.
Richard had asked him, and his instructor had made the task an easy one: "The right hand controls.
Other instructors made a point of calling students who signaled their problems about continuing college by not applying for financial aid.
But first their instructor makes them wash and blow-dry one another's hair to learn the importance of communication.
Research shows that 'flipping' allows instructors to make the traditional lecture model more productive.
Fitness trainers and aerobic instructors make $50,170 a year, nearly $20,000 more than preschool teachers.