A great deal of attention is given to sales of instruments (new and antique), auctions, and instrument repairs.
The center also offers in-house instrument repair, recording facilities and group classes in music theory.
Born in Kenosha on October 22, 1922, Pascucci studied trumpet as a child and became interested in instrument repair.
He began a career in instrument repair in 1985 and started making clarinets in 1990.
Once there, he was employed by the Cotton Green Electrical Company, where he learned basic electrical installation and instrument repair.
Conn used the surplus stock of mezzo-sopranos to teach instrument repair in Conn's Elkhart workshops.
Constantly watching his father making and repairing instruments, Leo learned the art of pipe making and instrument repair.
Music Fund, a non-profit organisation has been collecting musical instruments and organising training on instrument repair in developing countries and conflict areas since 2005.
After college, he pursued the study of musical instrument repair.
In 1970, at 19 years of age he joined other college students at the American Dream Co-Op and began doing instrument repairs and building banjos.