Through all of their work, they had gradually replaced each instrument take until nothing remained from the original performance.
If the instruments back there don't take care of everything, and you see one flash over the red mark-yank open the main curcuit.
Each instrument takes approximately 140 hours to make.
Have your instruments ready before you take water or food.
The instrument took effect, by its terms, on May 3, 1947.
But the actual peak was much higher, engineers said, explaining that the instruments take only average readings.
He turned to Janeway, took the flashing medical instrument from her hand.
The instruments take months, sometimes more than a year, to complete.
After the initial transfer of forces in March 1901, further progress was slow as administrative and legislative instruments took time to develop.
In addition, the instruments, especially the piano and stool take on human qualities, making them integral characters.