The Music department of B-CC High School consists of several wind ensembles, string ensembles, choral groups, and many single instrumental classes.
That, of course, is what she's famous for, and listeners who think of percussion as an instrumental class not quite as musical as strings, winds or keyboards learn quickly to think again.
There are voice and instrumental classes that count as electives.
Besides the general music classes during the 5th and 6th grades, these students also become involved with their chosen instrumental class.
The school has three instrumental musical classes during the school day: the concert band, symphonic band, and the wind ensemble.
Outside of classroom lessons, private instrumental classes are offered to students.
Beginning instrumental classes started in grade school, and junior high school orchestras and bands gave students a real first taste of group and solo performance.
But he never thought he would become a composer and so chose instrumental classes in order to become an orchestral musician.
Many students attend instrumental classes after school each day.
The timpani are an instrumental class unto themselves.