An example might be the 2007-2008 world food price crisis which indicates that insufficient capital has been invested in food production.
In 1970, the company succumbed to insufficient capital and the fortunes of a sagging stock market.
One of the leading causes of business failure is insufficient start-up capital.
Lack of a product and insufficient capital contributed to Indrema's demise.
Most small companies are handicapped by insufficient capital, inadequate management skills, meager sales staffs and the like.
Analysts blamed the insolvency on over-expansion, poor management, and insufficient capital.
In the banking industry, undercapitalization refers to having insufficient capital to cover foreseeable risks.
In the end, insufficient capital and financial corruption ended the project.
The company also cited an unfavorable financing arrangement that left it with insufficient working capital.
By all accounts, insufficient capital was a factor in the demise of California Advantage.