The others were turned aside on the ground of insufficient documentation.
Auditors also say they found insufficient documentation for between 20 percent and 30 percent of the agency's expenditures.
These two randomized studies, however, had major weaknesses, including the recruitment of small numbers of patients and insufficient documentation of mistletoe use.
Aliens who present insufficient documentation to immigration officials are being denied the opportunity to produce the documents later, he said.
There was insufficient documentation to show that all the tests he billed for were ordered by referring physicians.
In actuality, Black said, it was merely a case of "insufficient documentation."
He may have held the post throughout Raymond's countship (1090-1107), but insufficient surviving documentation does not allow the case to be proven.
Both sites appear to have insufficient documentation of compliance with the CardioGen-82 labeling recommendations for strontium breakthrough testing.
The original implementers (who knew how things really worked) have moved on and left insufficient documentation of the internal workings of the software.
Waleed had insufficient documentation, so Wail and Waleed returned the next day to complete the transaction.