Service: A good-humored but imperfectly informed and insufficient staff, especially on weekends.
There is also insufficient staff in schools, with 58,776 teachers teaching 2,311,107 primary school students and only 27,240 teachers teaching 637,629 lower secondary students.
Conditions were often crowded, with insufficient medical staff (particularly surgeons and nurses) to fully treat the sick and wounded.
Staff deliver a quality service to the customer but the big problem is that there is insufficient staff to do the job properly.
Along with insufficient administrative staff, and a hodgepodge of aircraft-23 types-for training.
At the state level, it said, the regulatory effort is hamstrung by bureaucratic confusion, minimal standards and insufficient staff.
The five countries have insufficient staff and inadequate technical and financial resources for dealing with requests for legal assistance.
In addition, it is our impression that the Environment DG has insufficient staff to implement the policies that we want.
In our opinion, the committee has insufficient staff to achieve continuity in its work in terms of content and procedures.
Madam President, the European Commission claims to have insufficient staff.