Although insufficiently documented, it is also known to occur across the Northwestern Pacific, the Bering Sea and Arctic Ocean.
After the election, the state oversight agency ruled that most of the legislature's budget fixes were either unacceptable or insufficiently documented, leaving a gap of $45 million.
The result was that their material was partly insufficiently documented, but they would not recognize it, even today.
"Some legalization adjudications were inconsistent, insufficiently documented, inadequately reviewed and failed to comply with statuatory requirements," the report said.
But he had lost his former confidence, and when the company reviewed his work, they concluded that his research was insufficiently documented to warrant seeking FDA approvals for testing.
M.T.A. records show a series of letters in 1988 and 1989 between auditors and Ms. Blackburne, in which the agency repeatedly sought reimbursement for claims it considered inappropriate or insufficiently documented.
When we ran our final data through the first time, the Computer told us that the 'passion motive' was insufficiently documented.
Programmers are often compelled to program by permutation when an API is insufficiently documented.
In some cases, insufficient information is available; these cases are recorded as "insufficiently documented".
Asked what added enforcement was planned, Ms. Legg said, "We will be monitoring the percentage of undomiciled cases that come in and we will reject any applications that prove insufficiently documented."