The following aspects of policy are insufficiently studied and will remain for some years central preoccupations of the Group:
They are known to occur in several populations between Perth and Geraldton, but have been insufficiently studied with regard to threat of extinction.
Many groups have been under sampled and insufficiently studied, especially when considering hard bottoms of the intermediate coral reefs and external slopes of the barrier reef.
Although insufficiently studied, they each appear to be mutually unintelligible to native signers of Nepalese Sign language, and thus qualify as separate sign languages.
The species have been provisionally sorted into groups of presumed closest relatives, but many species remain insufficiently studied even for such a preliminary assessment at present.
This has been insufficiently studied.
They are part of the insufficiently studied superfamily Gelechioidea, and like their relatives, the circumscription of this taxon is disputed.
Written with immense narrative subtlety and not a little contrivance, it has been insufficiently studied.
They have by the same token been insufficiently studied, and "The Genius of Jacopo Bellini" is likely to occasion more debate than agreement.
It mentioned as insufficiently studied alternatives (though it did not recommend any of them):