"Young Buddhist monks lead insular lives in India."
I shall consider only the first of these here, since theory has no independent insular life, and in an order only partly chronological.
It was probably wrong of us to hold back the information, but you have to remember that we had a very insular life in Scardale.
Martino's insular life there may be lonely, but it also seems magically protected.
For stretches it was a dull and insular life.
The insular lives of these families suggests that making it out of those harsh circumstances takes a herculean effort.
"They lead very rigid, insular lives," said the Mock Turtle.
Lawler realized how thoroughly he had become embedded in the insular life of the flagship.
How different he seemed; how insular her own life by comparison.
At the same time he brings excitement and wonder to the insular lives of the American rubes he deceives.