Marty often acts as 'the good guy' when Rick sets off on his usual activity of insulting people.
For some reason you neglected to have a whine about him insulting people for their personal choice of computer.
"Which appears to be walking around, insulting people, causing trouble and getting people very upset."
We certainly had no intention of insulting black people.
Comparison with animals is another common way of insulting people in Romanian.
The stories deal with themes such as the author's views on women, drinking (often to excess), insulting people, and embarrassing sexual encounters.
Thanks also to Bonzaboy for showing us how well insulting people works as a way of getting them to support you too.
"We are not interested in insulting people who work for us."
However, she made a real name for herself by insulting people.
"It has become a climate in which insulting people is the norm."