The word simian was perfectly understood as an insulting reference to Lincoln's appearance.
Irene looked daunted, as perhaps she was, but those insulting references to her supposed status made her angry.
Rotten theorised that Bush thought the song contained insulting references aimed at her.
But they did hear her vaguely insulting references to the size of his feet and his dour, mirthless countenance.
A press law forbids insulting references to God and Islamic prophet Muhammad.
Kelly's race subjects her to embarrassing and insulting references from Michael.
The government had taken offense to the insulting reference and had instructed Quelch to withdraw his statement or exit Germany within 8 hours.
- an insulting reference to the tagelmust veil worn by the Almoravid ruling class.
You must never tell a Bushman that you had overlooked him: he will take it as an insulting reference to his tiny stature.
Surely sailing as a privateer, purloining a number of hands, or making insulting references to the syndicate didn't warrant all this.