There are numerous areas in which general insurance actuaries are currently developing new techniques, for example, medical expenses.
To quote "The makers of this direct-to-video release thought the world was ready for a thriller about an insurance actuary.
Some insurance actuaries say they have found a correlation between financial stability and the number of auto insurance claims an individual makes.
He questioned insurance actuaries about their profession.
But in the unforgiving argot of insurance actuaries, there is now both mortality and morbidity risk surrounding this legendary money manager.
One reason is that some spouses may not be working because of health problems, insurance actuaries said.
He was quoting the figures compiled by insurance actuaries, as proof of how matters really stood.
The film stars Jack Nicholson as a retired insurance actuary who travels across Nebraska to attend his daughter's wedding.
He remembered an ex-faculty member from the math department who'd left Carlyle for the lucrative field of insurance actuaries.
His interest in the society led him to become an insurance actuary.