But his role as a director at the American International Group, the troubled insurance conglomerate, has sent shivers through the White House.
Like many such enterprises, it was quickly backed by large corporations, the major shareholders becoming Saflife, an insurance conglomerate, and Investec, an investment bank.
It's not just that insurance conglomerate that wrote the Deathwish Policy now.
It is named after Wing On, a department stores and insurance conglomerate with a history dating back more than 100 years.
Moreover, banks will be able to enter the insurance business, and insurance conglomerates will be allowed to try their hand at extending loans.
His father is vice chairman of finance for American International Group, the New York-based insurance conglomerate.
The would-be buyer is Conseco, an insurance conglomerate that is a master of complicated financial transactions.
Sanlam, an insurance conglomerate, expressed sorrow that the killing of Steven Biko took place in a building it rented to the police.
This once high-flying mutual fund and insurance conglomerate used phony computer records to make it appear that business was booming.
He is the chairman and chief executive of Axa, the French-based insurance conglomerate.