The agreement appeared to insure survival of the 187-year-old paper and its 1,200 jobs for at least one more year.
Time will tell, she said, whether her vision of community is shared by enough other people to insure the paper's survival.
By voting for the Republican proposal, they hope to insure their political survival.
Pan Am has said it needs a strong partner to insure its survival.
The Legislature established the park, and now it has the opportunity to insure its survival.
Nor was it capable of taking any actions that would insure its own survival.
A generous mix of public and private funding will be required to insure survival.
Such a plant is thought by unions and management to be essential to insuring the paper's survival.
Farming these creatures, they say, may be a means of insuring their survival.
To insure his company's survival, he said, he is taking some different directions.