Marlborough Underwriting insures ships and offers coverage for risks like weather-related cancellations of events.
The roughly 400 underwriting syndicates, which mostly insure ships and their cargoes, are clustered in "boxes," or office stalls, on the four levels surrounding the striking 240-foot-high atrium.
If British insurance companies are insuring ships that don't meet the rules for their Lloyds class, that is surely of great interest.
It became the meeting place for parties wishing to insure cargoes and ships, and those willing to underwrite such ventures.
Insuring ships.
As soon as I start insuring ships we can marry.
It played a crucial role before and during the Persian Gulf War in insuring ships traveling to the Persian Gulf.
This had been begun as the Mercer's Hall Marine Company, or Undertaking kept at the Royal Exchange for insuring ships and merchandise at sea.
I shall not rest satisfied with merely employing my capital in insuring ships.
The ability to insure ships, cargo, and crew has a significant impact on the profitability of shipping.