Self-insurance plans now cover about 60 percent of insured workers.
He pays half of the premium of $1,500 a month for all of his insured workers, up from $700 five years ago.
But nationwide fewer than 5 percent of insured workers are offered both choice and the ability to retain savings from economical choices.
The lower estimates assume that uninsured people are generally healthy, like insured workers.
Basic unemployment benefits cover an insured worker for a maximum of 26 weeks.
Bosses could do more, sometimes at little extra cost, to increase the percentage of insured workers in their midst.
Significantly, the National Health Insurance scheme of 1911 only covered insured workers.
Current law and the Republican bills use the rate of unemployment among insured workers, who are about half of those employed.
Hearing aids are also available privately, and there is grant assistance available for insured workers.
An insured worker becomes eligible for retirement benefits when he or she reaches age 62.