Howard Dean 'To become presidential without abandoning your insurgent base.'
"How to become presidential without abandoning your insurgent base."
The Isaf coalition sees the insurgent bases on the Pakistani border as key to the campaign.
The squads also raided known insurgent bases, such as the villages of Dabburiya and Hirbat-Lidd.
He then gets a sudden flashback and remembers seeing a picture of Kersey's girlfriend in the insurgent base, meaning she is his accomplice.
A1 The United States military said it had begun an extensive assault on insurgent bases outside Samarra, a city north of Baghdad.
The inherent characteristic of insurgency in northeast India is its small scale, low profile activities, with the main insurgent bases located across the border.
The troops are in the initial phase of clearing out insurgent bases and taking up residence in neighborhoods.
It can, however, include operations against rebel conventional forces, guerillas in large strength, and insurgent bases.
Already, Turkish warplanes have struck across the Iraqi border to bomb supposed insurgent bases.