"But this is an insurgent organization."
In an interview he alleged that insurgent organizations gained thousands of recruits in the area at the time.
The agency stepped up its support for various anti-Communist insurgent organizations in developing countries, organizations that were close to his heart.
Several people were arrested in the aftermath of the attack, and were reported to be members of Harkat-ul-Mujahideen, a large insurgent organisation.
The region is deeply affected by the factional fights involving several armed insurgent organizations among themselves as well as with the Indian Security Forces.
In December 1997 tensions exploded between entrenched authorities of the Government's party and insurgent pro-Zapatista organizations.
The insurgency had undergone another major shift, as insurgent organizations now had safe havens in cities such as Fallujah to develop and coordinate with each other.
Some units of the Fedayeen also continued to operate independently of other insurgent organizations in the Sunni areas of Iraq.
He is part of an insurgent organization that is in conflict with the Colombian government.
A third section documents and analyses the increasingly repressive role played by the security forces and the corresponding violence employed by insurgent civilian paramilitary organisations.